MediaWiki:Common.js: различия между версиями

Материал из ВикиФизтех
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Версия от 17:41, 27 декабря 2012

var addthis_config={data_track_clickback:true,data_ga_property:'UA-130748-3',ui_language:'ru'};$(function(){    var div = $('.addthis_toolbox_mipt');    div.append("<a class=\"addthis_button_preferred_1 mipt_addthis_button_class\"></a>");    div.append("<a class=\"addthis_button_preferred_2 mipt_addthis_button_class\"></a>");    div.append("<a class=\"addthis_button_preferred_3 mipt_addthis_button_class\"></a>");    div.append("<a class=\"addthis_button_preferred_4 mipt_addthis_button_class\"></a>");    div.append("<a class=\"addthis_button_preferred_5 mipt_addthis_button_class\"></a>");    addthis.toolbox('.addthis_toolbox_mipt');});importMW = function (name) { importScript('MediaWiki:'+name+'.js') }importScript_ = importScriptimportScript = function (page, proj){ if (!proj) importScript_(page) else {   importScriptURI('//'+mw.util.wikiUrlencode(page)) }}mw.config.set( 'tableSorterCollation', {'ё':'е'} )var zeroSectionTip = 'Править введение'var NavigationBarHide = '[скрыть]'var NavigationBarShow = '[показать]'var NavigationBarShowDefault = 2if( /^en$/.test(wgUserLanguage) ) importMW('Common-' + wgUserLanguage)function editZeroSection(){ if( !wgArticleId ) return mw.util.$content.find('h2') .children('.editsection:first') .clone().prependTo('#bodyContent') .css('float','right') .find('a') .attr('title', zeroSectionTip) .attr('href', wgScript + '?title='+mw.util.wikiUrlencode(wgPageName) + '&action=edit&section=0' )} //Collapsiblе: [[ВП:СБ]]var hasClass = (function (){ var reCache = {} return function (element, className){   return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className)  }})()function collapsibleTables(){ var Table, HRow,  HCell, btn, a, tblIdx = 0, colTables = [] var allTables = document.getElementsByTagName('table') for (var i=0; Table = allTables[i]; i++){   if (!hasClass(Table, 'collapsible')) continue   if (!(HRow=Table.rows[0])) continue   if (!(HCell=HRow.getElementsByTagName('th')[0])) continue = 'collapsibleTable' + tblIdx   btn = document.createElement('span') = 'float:right; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller'   a = document.createElement('a') = 'collapseButton' + tblIdx   a.href = 'javascript:collapseTable(' + tblIdx + ');' =   a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(NavigationBarHide))   btn.appendChild(a)   HCell.insertBefore(btn, HCell.childNodes[0])   colTables[tblIdx++] = Table } for (var i=0; i < tblIdx; i++)   if ((tblIdx > NavigationBarShowDefault && hasClass(colTables[i], 'autocollapse')) || hasClass(colTables[i], 'collapsed'))     collapseTable(i)}function collapseTable (idx){ var Table = document.getElementById('collapsibleTable' + idx) var btn = document.getElementById('collapseButton' + idx) if (!Table || !btn) return false var Rows = Table.rows var isShown = ( == NavigationBarHide) = isShown ?  NavigationBarShow : NavigationBarHide var disp = isShown ? 'none' : Rows[0].style.display for (var i=1; i < Rows.length; i++)    Rows[i].style.display = disp}function collapsibleDivs(){ var navIdx = 0, colNavs = [], i, NavFrame var divs = document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('div') for (i=0; NavFrame = divs[i]; i++) {   if (!hasClass(NavFrame, 'NavFrame')) continue = 'NavFrame' + navIdx   var a = document.createElement('a')   a.className = 'NavToggle' = 'NavToggle' + navIdx   a.href = 'javascript:collapseDiv(' + navIdx + ');'   a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(NavigationBarHide))   for (var j=0; j < NavFrame.childNodes.length; j++)     if (hasClass(NavFrame.childNodes[j], 'NavHead'))       NavFrame.childNodes[j].appendChild(a)   colNavs[navIdx++] = NavFrame } for (i=0; i < navIdx; i++)  if ((navIdx > NavigationBarShowDefault && !hasClass(colNavs[i], 'expanded')) || hasClass(colNavs[i], 'collapsed'))     collapseDiv(i)}function collapseDiv(idx) { var div = document.getElementById('NavFrame' + idx) var btn = document.getElementById('NavToggle' + idx) if (!div || !btn) return false var isShown = ( == NavigationBarHide) = isShown ? NavigationBarShow : NavigationBarHide var disp = isShown ? 'none' : 'block' for (var child = div.firstChild;  child != null;  child = child.nextSibling)   if (hasClass(child, 'NavPic') || hasClass(child, 'NavContent')) = disp}//Executionmw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util', function() {if (wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Special'){ if (/^(Uplo|Sear|Stat|Spec|Abus|Prefe|Move|Watch|Newp|Log)/i.test(wgCanonicalSpecialPageName))   importMW(wgCanonicalSpecialPageName)}else switch (wgAction){ case 'history': importMW('History'); break case 'delete': importMW('Deletepage'); break case 'edit': case 'submit': importMW('Editpage') //and continue with the default: view, purge default:  $(editZeroSection)  addOnloadHook(collapsibleDivs)  addOnloadHook(collapsibleTables)  mw.loader.load('//')  if( document.location && document.location.protocol == 'https:' )    importMW('Secure')  if (navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') != -1)    mw.util.addCSS('.IPA, .Unicode { font-family: "Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode"; }')     switch( wgNamespaceNumber ){    case 0: case 100:      importMW('Osm')      if( wgArticleId==4401 ) importMW('Mainpage')      break    case 6:      importMW('Filepage')      break   }    }/* Helper script for .hlist class in common.css * Author: [[:en:User:Edokter]] */ if ( $.client.profile().name == 'msie' ) {  /* Add pseudo-selector class to last child list items in IE 8 */  if ( $.client.profile().versionBase == '8' ) {    $( '.hlist' ).find( 'dd:last-child, dt:last-child, li:last-child' )      .addClass( 'hlist-last-child' );  }  /* Generate interpuncts and parens for IE less 8 */  if ( $.client.profile().versionBase < '8' ) {    $( '.hlist' ).find( 'dt + dd, dt + dt' ).prev()      .append( '<b>:</b> ' );    $( '.hlist' ).find( 'dd + dd, dd + dt, li + li' ).prev()      .append( '<b>•</b> ' );    $( '.hlist' ).find( 'dl dl, ol ol, ul ul' )      .prepend( '( ' ).append( ') ' );  }}});